How to Make a UTV Street Legal in WV (West Virginia): A Step By Step Guide

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How to Make a UTV Street Legal in WV

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

UTV is popular among farmers and ranchers because of its high performance and easy ride on an unpaved path. This vehicle is not only used for recreational purposes but also used for productivity purposes such as hauling and towing supplies, and farming.

In the state of West Virginia, if you want to ride your UTV on public roads, it is a compulsory requirement to make UTV street legal. In this guide, you will know how to make a UTV street legal in WV (West Virginia) easily.

Special Purpose Vehicles: How to Make a UTV Street Legal in WV

The state of West Virginia allows some OHVs and UTVs to be registered as street legal special-purpose vehicles for driving legally on public roads. But also there are some limitations for SPVs;

  •  Drive on center-lined roads
  •  Cover 20 miles distance
  •  Speed up to 40 MPH
  • Cannot drive SPVs on certain roads prohibited by local laws.

Vehicles Can Be Registered As SPVs:

Any UTV, ATV, mini truck, military vehicle, or full-sized vehicle can register as an SPV in the West Virginia state. One more thing to remember is that low-speed vehicles cannot be registered as SPV.

Before registering An UTV, What Do You Need?

1)  Driver’s License:

A driving license is a compulsory requirement to make your UTV street legal on public roads.

2)  Insurance:

You should have state insurance to make your vehicle legal to use on a public road.

3)  Helmets:

If you are younger than 18, then you must need to wear a helmet or meet Snell safety standards.

Can A Nonresident Get An SPV Registration In West Virginia?

If you are a non-resident in West Virginia and want to register your UTV as SPV,  you can purchase a 2-week nonresident registration certificate from the Division of Motor Vehicles of West Virginia State. You can also get more than 1 registration certificate but I think there would be some limitations at a specific point. SPVs may not be allowed to be driven on controlled access highways.

Components Required For West Virginia SPVs:

There is some equipment required to make a UTV street-legal in West Virginia. They are as follows:

  • Headlights
  • Taillights
  •  Windshield
  • Braking System other than a parking brake with functional brake lights
  • 1 white license plate light
  • 1 red rear reflector
  • Red electric turn signals
  • Horn and other alerting signs device
  • An emission control system as per applicable federal statute/UTV ATV laws
  •  Left and right mirrors for drivers
  •  Muffler
  • Safety Harness
  • Speedometer with illumination

Process Of Register A UTV As A SPV:

After installation of the above-mentioned components in your UTV, now it’s time to get your UTV inspected by the officer of the law enforcement agency.

If your vehicle passed by the inspection team then go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and ask for registration as a special purpose vehicle.

After that, you should have to complete the paperwork process that DMV gives you. If you want to ride your ATV on public roads, you’ll also need to have it titled according to West Virginia law.

After proceeding with your request, DMV will give you a license plate that defines your Off-Highway UTV as a street-legal SPV in West Virginia State.

Limitations of SPVs:

Registration of UTV/Off road Vehicles as SPV  is a good option but in reality, the SPV program has some limitations.

  • SPVs have limitations for vehicle speed, distance to cover, and road selection.
  •  SPV registration is only valid within West Virginia Border.
  • According To the DMV, SPVs registration is only connecting trailheads.

Driving a Street Legal UTV in Off-Highways Vehicle Areas Of West Virginia:

Get Registration:

Using OHV areas, public roads, and similar off-road places in West Virginia, not required State-level registration. Some areas may have their permits.


It doesn’t matter, whether your UTV is street-legal or not, For OHVs, your vehicle needs some equipment such as a spark arrester and a factory-installed or equivalent muffler that is fully connected to the vehicle unless any OHV areas waive such prerequisites.

Both the headlight and taillights must be functional. If you plan to travel to Off-Highway areas within West Virginia, should be more cautious regarding equipment such as helmet use, engine size limitation by the age of the rider, and other factors. Because these areas might have their specification for equipment.

Here’s How 5 Star Registration Can Help You to Make a UTV Street Legal in West Virginia

In West Virginia, registering a UTV as a street-legal vehicle may be laborious and time-consuming, particularly if you’ve never done it before.

Consulting with specialists from 5 Star Registration might help you save money and time. You won’t have to worry about anything since they’ll handle it all for you.

They will take care of everything you need to get your UTV registered and on the road.

Email or Call experts at 5 Star Registration & start the process of making your dirt bike street legal in Michigan. 

How to Make a UTV Street Legal in WV: Conclusion

As we all know Utility Terrain vehicles usually are not allowed to drive on West Virginia roads. But the law enforcement of West Virginia allows it to drive on public highways with some conditions. Vehicles must meet the safety standard of the DMV specified. If you follow the right steps, street legal registration of your UTV in West Virginia will be easy for you.

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